Khushi85Handled around 200 employments and takes 50 interviews in a month
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- English (Write | Speak) • Level: 3
- Hindi (Write | Speak) • Level: 4
Bhubaneshwar, Odisha, India
HR & Recruitment
- • General (10 yr)
- • Manpower Planning (4 yr)
- • LinkedIn Recruiters (4 yr)
- • Top/ Sr Mgmt Recruiters (6 yr)
- • BPO Recruiters (12 yr)
Detailed Profile
Administer compensation and benefit plans. Assist in talent acquisition and recruitment processes.
Conducted employee onboarding and helped organize training & development initiatives.
Provided support to employees in various HR-related topics such as leaves and compensation and resolved any issues that may arise.
Promoted HR programs to create an efficient and conflict-free workplace.
Assisted in development and implementation of human resource policies.
Undertake tasks around performance management.
Gather and analyze data with useful HR metrics, like time to hire and employee turnover rates.
Organized quarterly and annual employee performance reviews.
Maintain employee files and records in electronic and paper form.
Enhance job satisfaction by resolving issues promptly, applying for new perks and benefits and organizing team-building activities.