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MrSolvo offers a focused marketing campaign for targeted customer reach and business growth.
Rates for advertising on MrSolvo are listed here under:

TargetingDuration (In Months)PriceAction
Home Page / Site wide Banners03,000
Top Banner on Any 1 Main Category or 1 Specialization or 3 Sub-Specialization pages35,000
Top Banner on Any 3 Main Categories or 3 Specializations or 10 Sub-Specialization pages310,000
Top Banner on Any 1 Main Category with all Specializations & Sub-Specialization pages30


  1. GST @ 18% extra
  2. Business and IT & Web are not considered as main category but are a group of main categories.
  3. Above prices are subject to revision anytime.
  4. MrSolvo reserves the right to disallow an Ad, if it is not relevant to the category or is not found suitable/ appropriate for being displayed in a category or on the website. In such case, full refund will be made.

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